座落于广州白云机场南侧。建筑面积2万多平方米,拥有多条先进现代家具和空间构成产品生产线。公司引进德国先进产品理念及生产工艺,注重空间设计及配套产品的开发生产,倡导理性营造空间,与地球为善!是行业内理念独到,产品超前的典范。... 个性化时尚外观:通过精致的圆弧型转角元素,将刻意突出的大块面与粗线条融为一体,尽显产品的简洁,时尚。以充满想象的太空蓝与冷峻的钛白作为主色调,更显产品的科技感与个性化。人性化集成设计:充分考虑了日常办公中的普遍需求,文件,打印机,电脑主机,键盘,以及公文包等均安排了固定且使用方便的摆放位置,圆弧转角更避免了使用中的危险性,产品不仅高度集成化,且更加人性化。全程环保:采用环保的MFC成型板材与金属材料相结合,全拆装式结构,无需喷漆,专业生产酒店家具 套房家具 酒店餐桌 实木餐椅 会议台 图书馆家具 书架 密集架 期刊架 查阅台 阅览椅 推车 办公台 大班台 中班台 职员台 会议台 电脑台 演讲台 洽谈台 主管台 前台 办公椅 大班椅 中班椅 会议椅 职员椅 培训椅 工厂椅 办公沙发 个性化时尚外观:通过精致的圆弧型转角元素,将刻意突出的大块面与粗线条融为一体,尽显产品的简洁,时尚。以充满想象的太空蓝与冷峻的钛白作为主色调,更显产品的科技感与个性化。人性化集成设计:充分考虑了日常办公中的普遍需求,文件,打印机,电脑主机,键盘,以及公文包等均安排了固定且使用方便的摆放位置,圆弧转角更避免了使用中的危险性,产品不仅高度集成化,且更加人性化。全程环保:采用环保的MFC成型板材与金属材料相结合,全拆装式结构,无需喷漆,所有板件,铝料均为最佳开料尺寸。产品生产时无余料浪费,使用中无有害气体排放,且拆装维修方便,可谓全程环保。内藏式走线:产品均设计了隐蔽式走线功能,且兼容多种入线方式,支持强弱电分开排布。 design for this series is very smooth,streamlined .cold gloss color to give us a fashionable sense and full of vitality compared to those traditional wood grain color.utmost utilized space and the concealed wire management to keep the office organized ,the user friendly round corner to avoid possible danger in the daily life . 产品展示: 同系列产品展示:Related designs: 同系列产品:Related designs: Guangzhou Libra furniture manufacture Can Provide Company Profile :Guangzhou Libra furniture manufacture Co.,Ltd is a factory which specialized in all kinds of office furniture , mainly high partition wall ,office workstation ,office desk, file cabinet , boardroom table ,computer desk ,office chair and other matching office products. Material range from melamine, veneer and metal to meet the diversified market demands.With a combined 10 years experience in developing and professional marketing services, we take pride in being able to offer our customers quality executive furniture that are functional, structurally sound, elegant, and simply a work of art which puts an end to the monotony of offices with its extraordinary and stylish design. We focus on providing the highest value without compromising on performance, quality, and service.Warmly welcome to visit us ! |